feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Interestingly Enough!

Hey there,

Can't say I am super experienced with this thing yet...and I mean YET!
Hmmm...I guess you have to be pretty bored to commit yourself to doing one of these, and how fitting, because that is what I am...BORED!
Well, I work at Subway, but let's keep hush hush about it, I am not proud of it. I mean, when I am on my deathbed, I am sure I will have no regrets..non save the fact that I spent (God willing, but PLEASE God UNWILLING) six months of my life making subs for unhappy people (if you can call a hundred old bones with skin and stomachs people)!
That is one think that I have learned at Subway, some people are not nice. Yep, you would have thought I'de have learned a life lesson like that in all my NINETEEN years of living with them, but nope, this lesson was learn-ed via Subway...oh...lovely subway. It is the bain...whatever that means...I guess it is bitter hate of my life. Oh wait, that is Satan.
Right...moving on to greener pastures...
Blossom just had a bath. And for those of you who do not know, Blossom is my dog. I love her, but not as much as I love Jesus. He is pretty cool in my books. Wait, I have no books. I am not an author, I am a sub-maker. Sigh...must everything come back to work!

Okay, seems I have nothing nice to say, so I shall restrict my remarks to the weather. It is cold, and grey. Actually, it is very late, so it is cold and black. Yes, but during the day it was so nice out. Some even likened it to spring. People were walking around with only a parka, yes...a parka...but not I...I WAS WORKING!!!

So, that is it from me for now. I shall go to sleep, and wake up in the morning...and have a day off. But do we ever really have a day off...you can not take a break from life...sigh...too deep a thought for such a tired mind. Right, I shall go to sleep now. Bye friends!!!


  • At 4:53 p.m., Blogger beth said…

    blossy is more soft an cuddly? awwwww...
    Back to subs...i like them . I find them delish. You are too. Glad you started a blog. I'll go to the bathroom BEFORE reading next time because you're too hilarious.


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