feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

madness I tell you!

It has been a crazy day. Yes, ever so crazy. It started at like one in the morning with my mother storming in the room worried that I had stolen the EVER SO VALUABLE calandar. I mean...what the heck do I want with one of those things. Gosh. So I woke up, then I did all the normal things one does after waking up...brush teeth, morning pee, breakfast, converse with the Lord and Saviour of the World...and so on and so forth. Then, I had to make a bunch of calls for my mother to schedual/confirm appointments to places...
And so, this has brought me to thinking, since when have I become the family administrator? I told you before, you NEVER have a day off from living. Oh right, I have to go back to Subway tomorrow...sigh...can't say I have missed it. Oh wait, yes I can. Yesterday, on the way to the folk concernt (which by the way, was INCREDIABLE...this guy did things with a guitar that I never thought was possible) my father stopped at a gas station to buy some money. Yes...he baught money. There was a subway in there, and I was hungry, so I baught a sub. Is that a sin? To crave the thing you loath? Well, whatever...I dont care...I am a free woman.
Back to the bordom factor...which is like 12 out of 10 for those of you who care. I have decided to write one positive thing about my situation up here every time I blog. So for today here it is:

The snow is melting, and it is a little warmer than last week.

Hmmm...I dont think that counts cuz it looks like SHAT outside. It is like lake critchley out there or somthing, and it is still grey out, so blah to that.

Right, I will try another one:

I don't have a television, so I can be free to expand my mind!

Yeah, I am not going to wreck that one, although I could you know. Anyway, I have to go...I am sure there is a reason, I just can't think of it right now. Again, appologize for the waste of time...not that I really care or anything. Oki...bye


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