feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

subway...the bain

Right, just got home from work. I have been thinking...all it takes to be funny is sarcasm. It is the easiest way to get a laugh, it is also the least creative, but whatever. I got to work, and everyone was sooooo depressed...so I said sarcastically...oh my goodness, did someone die or something, you all look like crap. Well, needless to say, it was not received well. It turns out that two friends of the family (they are all family at subway, except me) had passed away the night before. I felt like an idiot. I guess that happens to me a lot. The sarcasm thing has not been a good choice at times, actually, most of the time.
Moving on...I was so bored last night that I watched What About Bob. Who does that? I mean really, how bored to you have to be to put on a movie that you have seen like a trillion million times? Half way through, Kaleena called me. She is great, and I have not talked to her in the LONGEST of long times. We talked for a bit, and then I found out that her little sister is dating this guy who I have known since I was born, my brothers old best friend. It was really really really weird.
Also, I talked to my bestest of the bests...ms bethany elaine ventura. I attempted the shouting of the other bestest of the best...which I guess does not makes sense...but anyway, she was not available to come to the phone. I am still not sure why. I love those two. Bethany...you crack me right up and down. Beck...you crack me up east and west? Riiiight. I think I should go cuz it is pretty clear that this is AAALLLL babble and junk from my brain. It was good to download though. Alright, sianara.

I shall converse later via this!


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