feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

i look to you

Okay, first off Beck told me how to do this... †
I think that is the coolest thing EVER...yep...coolest in the entire world!

Second of all, I must get this out of my system. Yesterday, Dallas and I were completely bored standing at the IT desk at the conference...so...he held up his walkie talkie and told me to say something. Out of a total loss of anything interesting to say, I paged for someone named Stephen to please come to the front desk. Of course, I did not think there was anyone named Stephen to show up. Little did I know, there was a guy named Stephen working. I did not make it clear what the FRONT DESK was, if you know Tacf, then you know that there is no 'front desk' in the bookstore, and the lobby desk just does not make any sense in that situation. So...Stephen, did I mention that he is pretty hard of hearing...came waltzing in the bookstore aimlessly, well, he had an aim i guess, to find whoever paged him. I was shocked, and laughing, and embarrassed. I just watched him walk around totally confused. He finally gave up, and walked to the front desk in the lobby...and when he saw nobody there, he waited at the window hoping to finally find whoever wanted him. I felt SO bad, and Dallas was laughing so hard, that I could not find it in me to tell him it was all a joke gone bad...sigh...sad story.

The Glory conference is not all that bad. The Riveras are here, and they are rocking. That lady does things with her voice that I think MUST be damaging, but they aren't. Nope. She just opens up and lets it out...one day Bethany, one day.

God is pretty cool hey. I love him. I get annoyed with him sometimes, but I love that it does not bug him. Sometimes I forget that he is not human. He does not have the same hurts as we do. When we don't talk to him, he does not love us any less. He does not forget about us, and he never stops waiting for us. I love...I just love.

I was talking to a very special friend of mine..Trishy...it was a good talk. I am writing it down so I don't forget about it. It is neat how just a couple words from a person you love give you so much life. I must have some sort of social love tank. Sometimes it gets near empty, until the right person says like one sentence, and then it is suddenly full again. Yep. Trish is one of those people. There is SO much power in words. Did I mention my love for God.

I hate that friendship is a season. blah to that.

HAHA. i just did spell check, and Trishy came up as TRASHY...oh...the humors of life

bye guys!


  • At 5:38 a.m., Blogger Beckers said…

    That made me cry...the TRASHY part that is...literally tears in the eyes and wiping of the hand...whoa, so not sounding right.

    I must say that this "" secret of ours is getting on peoples nerves lately, and yet they won't pry the keys from our dead brittle fingers...if they were dead or brittle that is...which is so unlikely at this point!

  • At 10:34 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beth your honesty amazes me! That's probably one of the many reasons I love you so much. You're also faithful to your blogging=excellent. I do feel that I need to respond to your little escapade yesterday, involving my friend Steve. First of all I think the real "sad story" here is the fact that YOU were bored. To be bored is a choice you make. Perhaps next time you could ask Daddy to help you out of your bored state, He's definately not boring!! I also just wanted to point out that in Stephen's case I don't believe it's so much a low self esteem. Steve does't hear what is being said in church,he does'nt even know what song is being played unless he can see the words on the screen, even to carry on a normal conversation is difficult one on one. Wearing hearing aids myself I can identify with the frustration and sometimes rejection that he must experience. Thank God for the annointing working in us right now, bringing PERFECT hearing into full manifestation! Beth I'm not trying to make you feel any worse about Your "joke". You know you're forgiven. I just wanted to say something on Steve's behalf. He is such a gifted man of God and sometimes in our weaknesses we tend to get misjudged.(that's not the word I'm looking for, but you know what I mean,right?)Thanks once again for the priviledge to comment on your blog.
    Blog on Beth!
    Loving you, j.

  • At 5:12 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

    thanks judy. I did feel super bad...and you are so right...low self esteem was not the correct descriptal wordy thing. I am changing it right now...

    sometimes i need to refrain...especially for humors sake!

  • At 2:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is the anonymous Ukrainian Canadian Prairie Boy who currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    I thought the post was very funny. To tell you the truth, Steven is a very hard worker and a very kind man. I don't believe that he was actually called to the front desk on our behalf... but I believe that he walked in moments later for another reason and it was just coincadince that you had just paged someone random named Steven.

    It was quite funny, nobody was hurt in the joke... and it was never meant to be a joke, it was just us being bored and you randomly calling a name into the walkie talkie.

    You rock Beth... good times, and who can forget Gord... now that was just hilarious. I will post about him on my xanga. If something makes you laugh, it's good for you...


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