feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

kids that nap

The art of kidnaping is one that I do not possess. Yeah, as if that made any sense. Bethany Elaine Ventura is super sick, although she would NEVER admit to it. She is. She is sick physically and mentally, but my concern lies with the latter.

Speaking of latter, Ladder 49 was a great movie.

Anyway, we (being Rebecca Elizabeth Poulen and I) kidnaped Bethany due to her sickness. We have taken her under house arrest. If we don't make her rest, goodness knows she will not.

Movin' right along. Sleep. It is difficult to accomplish on a floor. I am not sure why, the pillow just does not take the form I desire, and the carpet scratches through clothing...and it just makes for an all in all sleep disaster. Dreams don't help. Dreams that are weird and somewhat creepy. Like the dream I had last night involving the shooting of an arrow through my fathers head by the villiage culprits. Yes...the monsters from 'The Village'. Some (Annie Louise Matheson) would call it their favourite movie.

Lord, I pray for Annie. Would you download movie taste to here immediatly. It is a need


I have friends, and some of them went to a Jimmy concert. It was great! So I hear. The invitations was not handed to me. So I did not go. Sigh. Oh Jimmy, whatever did you do without me there for inspiration. Oh, I see. Perhaps it would have been more distracting than beneficial.

I like church. I am learning to love church. I am forming a new definition of church. I am not sure what that is yet. I hope she gets better soon. She has been sick forever.

Bethany is sick.

I'm sick too, in my own right. I'm sick of romantic comedies and the impossiblilities it plants in my fragile, female, complex, maluable mind. Love is not a feeling. Hunger is one, though. It is rising like the flaming red hot sun on the Sahara.

How is everyone. I feel like I have not seen most of my friends for months, but that is just not true. What is true? Well, I have not have QT with any of them for a long time, which SUCKS!

My besteses are watching You've Got Mail. Puke. Barf. Ralph. Whatever you call it, it is all the same to me. Meg and Tom are a pleasant couple, a pleasantly sickening couple. And romantic comedies are created to make dateless people even more aware of their lonely state. I am not lonley, I am in denial. WHAT?

Okay, I have up chucked uselessness long enough.

There is a love, even though it is cliche, it is truth.

Also, Bethany, not I, did that last blog. There is NO WAY I could come with something that brilliant. Sigh....

One day.


  • At 12:16 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

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  • At 3:12 p.m., Blogger Annie said…

    Oh Lord, Oh God above in heaven... please bestow upon Bethany the ABILITY TO SPELL. Please allow her to be able to spell "Village" correctly. Please, oh please, bring her the revelation that there is no "i" after the 2 L's in "Village". Thank you Jesus!

  • At 3:49 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

    oh annie...i love you...even though you love the VILLAGE. what...can't spell...i don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.

  • At 4:25 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't love "the village" as much as I love Joaquin Pheonix. He's what I call man pretty. When I see his face all I can say is,"hummina hummina hummina."

    I hear you about Tom and Meg in you've got mail. "don't cry shop girl, don't cry. Oh how I'd hoped it was YOU." (Not that I've memorized it) Besides, I prefer to watch meg and Billy in when harry met sally. At least that one's fairly realistic. The part when he's like,"I love you. I love everything about you..." I feel like crying and throwing up all at once. It's great!

  • At 9:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just to set the record straight, BETHANY ELAINE VENTURA is not the sick but HEALED in Jesus name.
    Decree a thing and it shall be established for you. (Job 22:28)
    Love you!

  • At 10:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh by the way, she (BETHANY ELAINE VENTURA) has the mind of Christ.
    Still loving you, hope you still love me.

  • At 11:24 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

    oh judy...sigh. we prayed...but the rest was a wonderful plan as well...tee hee. Sorry for the lack of faith. I shall remember that...for...when...none of us get sick...again...?

    Oh, I wish I knew what I was saying.


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