feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Monday, April 25, 2005

miscellaneous babble

hello friends of the bloging community and others,
today, i write to inform you on the happenings of my life today thus far.

1. wake up
2. call beth
3. drive to beth's
4. drive home
5. drink tea
6. eat oreos
7. drive to church
8. drive home
9. chat with annie
10. watch tv
11. write blog
12. still pending

so, as you can see, i have had a quite eventful day. i feel a deep need to relax, and build up some energy for my next excursion into the world.

i saw trish and peter yesterday. they are a wonderful couple, full of humors and serious chats. i have not used capitals this entire blog. it is so unlike myself. i have also discovered something wonderful about blogs, spell check. so i no longer have to write about how i have spelled a million things wrong. what a blissful discovery.

i hope you all find yourselves well. beck just walked in, she does not understand why i write about nothing. i write down everything i see, and i see everything i can. gully says, if i want to be a writter, i'd better start now. which is why, i am a spy. i believe that is taken from harriot the spy. i used to love that movie. now i do not, cuz it is quite young for my taste. it is weird how our brain has taste...or maybe it doesn't.

i miss sarah. she is funny. she will probably comment on this line, which will make me smile. the other sarah who i see frequently is quite neat as well.

oh gosh, i wish i had something really good to say. i wish that there was something, anything, worth talking about. this season is just so blah for me. oh well, it shall improve itself.

okay, enough from me.
talk to you soon friends.


  • At 5:01 a.m., Blogger beth said…

    i like number three on your list because it involved me. you didn't include the baking you did for your jail-bird hubby or the viewing of your favorite soap opera,
    "Booty Lounge Divas"


  • At 7:36 p.m., Blogger Sgt Steve said…

    I to found speelt check one day and I've been cool ever since, honest.

  • At 12:06 a.m., Blogger Annie said…

    bethany, i am extremely pleased that i have "made it" to a blog persons friend links list. yesssss. i have dreamed of this beautiful day for so long. how do you make that friend linky listy thingy?

    short anecdote - today at dairy queen my stepsister ordered the brownie batter blizzard and accidently called it the "brownie bladder" blizzard. the girl behind the counter didn't even bat an eye or crack a smile. biatch!


  • At 9:58 a.m., Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said…

    were you talking about me, or Cali Sarah??

    I'm thinking Cali Sarah since I seem to see you on a regular basis now . . .

    In other news, i'm waiting for the bus and I'm getting angry that the bus isn't here yet.

  • At 3:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was a little confused(more than normal) about which Sarah you meant TOO! I can only asume you're talking about how much you miss ME becuase I'm thousands -o- miles away. Safe from you. Er, I mean, missing you! Yeah that's it. Haha.

    I like reading about your zig zag nothings. Only YOU can make nothing sound interesting! =)


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