feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

monopoly's clue

Salutations to you. I just wanted to let you know that my plans for yesterday have been postponed indefinatly. The truth is that I am sick. No, I am not disgusting...

It all started last night. My cousin Jessica came to my room at six o'clock and asked why I was sleeping. I got up to play with her (she is only 8). I tried to play, I tried sooooo hard...but there was an ache in my head. 'Damn' I thought to myself. I am never sick. Why this day Lord? WHY?
I had to wake up at six to open the store of subary. All day there was a thump. ALL DAY. I came home at four and went to bed. Now I am awake, and it is no better than before.
My friends at work said that I was a tad delirious (which is also a band, so I took it as a compliment).

In other more shocking news,

Today, my password was changed. I have narrowed it down to two suspects. These are the only two people in ALL of the UNIVERSE that know the answer to my secret question. I will not release any 'real' names due to privacy act that I have based my life upon. Lets just call them ANNIE MATHESON and DANIEL SLADE. Perhaps they were in on it together. Let us do some character profiling.

Daniel Slade

large family
oldest child
lived in Ukraine for lots of life
booted from USA
speaks Russian
hates mayo
emotionally cold towards puppies
a responsible, mature missionaries boy (if you believe that, you are deceived)

Annie Matheson

smaller family
oldest child
moved back and forth from BC (my initials)
owns vehicle
abandoned apartment
keeps secrets about marriages
enjoys camping with the opposite sex
kind persona

As you can see, I am in a pickle. I tend to lean towards the Daniel. Let's face it, he has criminal written all over him. (Not litterally you moron!) (Sorry, you are not a moron) (oh, unless this is Daniel).

Right, let me know what you all think about the situation. In any case, I have given both parties the gift they do not deserve. Forgiveness. Yes, I extend it to them, only to free myself.


I am sick, and tired, and leaving.
I love those of you who I love!!


  • At 3:52 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i personally think daniel is a sexy sexy man and he would never stoop to such a low level as to change another person's password. he is way too kind and gentle and loving and warm and cuddly. it had to have been that annie character, she's full of mischief. BC my ass!!!

  • At 12:33 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

    thank-you soooo much 'anonymous'. yes, you are so totally right. How could I have acused such a creature of God and mans delight. The decision is not yet final, but there is a slight leanage towards the Matheson lady. Oh yeah, please refrain from foul language on my blog!

  • At 7:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Only Dan Slade would puff himself "anonymously" as he just did. He always forgets to capitalize him name too. Dead give away right there.

    Bethany, you are one funny woman.=) BTW, this is Sarah Dailey-the one who broke Laura's heart and left her cell. =)

    I'm gonna start reading your blog more often!


  • At 12:35 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WELL, i just cannot believe that i discovered this posting so late in the game. i'm soooo out of the loop.

    oh bethany... you have nothing to worry about, my heart... it was DEFINITELY DANIEL RONALD SLADE JUNIOR who changed your password. do you want to know how i know? because my password was ALSO changed. and the only 2 people who knew it were you and D.R.S.J. he, clearly, is the heathen in this situation. i think we should stone him!

    btw - ("by the way", for all you old-fashioned folks) i sincerely hope that daniel DID write that anonymous message, because if someone else wrote it, their abnormal admiration of daniel would be disgusting.

  • At 7:34 p.m., Blogger dearbethany said…

    Annie dear,

    I laughed so hard I peed. Actually, that is an exaggeration...there was no urine...but pretty damn close.

    How curious you should say your password was changed...and annoying. Daniel said that he did NOT do it...pretty much swore on our friendship...clearly it means NOTHING! Jerkass.


    too true with the admiration thing too...that vain SOG.


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