feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

what time is it...


COFFEE TIME! sick. I hate it. So much. Nobody can properly describe my absolute destest as much as my bestesess.

2. Bethany Ventrua says..."Well, Bethany hates lots of things. She's what the 'in crowd' would call a 'hater'. She detests only one thing more than coffee time. This one thing has the potential to ruin her life if consumed in large quantities. Rotten, curdling, sour milk. Now, if we were to mix that milk into the coffees at coffee time I don't know what would happen. There would be epic hatred. We would see her unleash the fury that has been bottled up for years upon years.
BUT in all of this we must remember the silver lining. At least we're not growing coffee beans out of our elbows like some unfortunate souls in the Sahara.
Thanks for listening to my friend and reading her blog. She changed my life. I'm no longer addicted to Coffee Time or to sour milk.

1. Rebecca Elizabeth Poulsen says..."Well, if there was anything in this world that you cannot even allow to enter into your mind or else you will need to be locked up with all the nice people and their white coats and padded walls....times that by 10,000 and you will have a slight idea about how much Bethany hates to allow this thought of the CT into her thought process whatsoever!! WOW...there is a disgust in there...and a run-on-sentence too....but you may have to look closely to find it...NOPE!!! it is clear...as clear as the moon that hovers over the park i love to sit in near my house...Bethany says it's only supposed to be a little coment!! OOPS!!!

B. Ben Poulsen says... "Can I just say, 'Wherever there's a Coffee Time, there's a Coffee Crime!' and, 'Would somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!'"

and...there you go (weird greekish accent)!

So! It MUST be clear to y'all by now how much I hate the coffee of the coffee time. The other thing is that I am at church right now. They are engrossed in worship, Your Love is Extravagent to be particular. I remember that song. Some people would reffer to it as 'my song'. I played it quite the abundant amount.

Let me tell you of the wedding I went to yesterday...oh...a day of splendid events.

It all started at 11:00 am when I had to get up and beautify myself. I had to be out the door at 12:30. Lets change up the format a bit.

The way it should have gone:

11:00- get ready
12:45- pick up sean malone
1:45- arrive at wedding
10:30- drop off sean malone
11:00- meet beck at church and go home

The way it went:

11:00- get ready
12:30- trip to the mall
1:15- pick up sean malone
1:25- discover hamilton is NOT on the way to Aberfoyle mills, and leave Hannah Slade stranded at the church :(
- call friend I was supposed to pick up, and discover she has already left.
2:15- arrive at wedding, just in time to walk down the isle immediatly AFTER the bride and her father.
6:30- spill MASS amounts of pasta sauce on new expensive shirt.
8:30- catch bouquet, and sigh at lack of male counterpart.
9:30- Tim Horton
10:00- stuck because the 401 was closed
11:15- arrive in Milton, call becks house, she left
12:00- drop off sean malone
12:35- arrive home
5:00- sleep


  • At 2:00 p.m., Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said…

    Sweet Lord . . .you really hate Coffe time, but is that the "coffe time" time? Or the Coffe Time store/cafe/whatever you want to call it?

  • At 2:00 p.m., Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said…

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  • At 6:51 p.m., Blogger Annie said…

    ahhhh i NOTICED the 401 was closed! someone died, i heard. i'm glad it wasn't you or any of the others that i know. ha ha. you really had quite the day didn't you. i apologize if i didn't hang out with you enough at the wedding... i was too busy getting my groove on. heh heh....

    just kidding.

    seeya !!!

  • At 1:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who got married?

    Ew coffee time sucks! Blah, it's from the devil. (I've acutally never tried the stuff cause I'm too much of a coffee snob, but I just wanted to join in!)

    I have to go get my hair highlighted now...bye!

  • At 1:39 p.m., Blogger L said…

    well, that certainly was interesting...you mean you weren't the second bride for a double wedding? i'm so confused.

  • At 6:43 p.m., Blogger Annie said…

    heh heh, for some reason when i read your post it seems like you are the bride and that you're marrying sean malone. heh heh

  • At 8:04 p.m., Blogger Beckers said…

    can I just simply remind you that you were also supposed to drop Hannah off at home in hamilton or something...but when you got back to my place you were ubruptly informed that she was still at my house in Toronto...YES!!! Fun Day!!
    Hannah and I went shopping!!!


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