it wasn't me
Have you ever had a conversation with someone which dramatically impacted thier lives, only to discover that you can't take credit for whatever help you have given at all. The words were not yours. Let's face it. This happens FAR more often than we think. 'WOW! You are SO wise!' or even 'You are really deep!' are no longer phrases that I can personally take as a compliment. I realised that whenever I am placed in a situation with another human facing some sort of dilema, I listen, and then, in most cases, I open my mouth...and words come out. I can't describe where they come from, but I know beyond a shadow of a is NOT from my brain. I understand now that any knowledge that I have shared from experience, or even wisdom that I have felt prophetically (or whatever you want to call it) is ALL from God. Even the situations that I have been through that have led me to certian conclusions...whether God willed it or not, He has used it...and spoken through it. Solomon asked God for wisdom, which leads me to believe that ALL wisdom is Gods. Whatever tid bits He has lent us, they are still His. I am not sure if this is making sense, I just want to make sure I am giving credid where credit is due. I am sick and tired of us humans looking for some sort of acknowledgement or applause from others, in order to feel...better. Better than other humans. Why do we try to complicate the simplest things, like life. We were created to love God, and to love eachother. Why have we turned the world into this huge...system...of systems. And we are constantly looking for something to do that will make us happy. Is it not plainly obvious to everyone that the only thing that will make us fufilled and content with ourselves is accepting that we are loved unconditionally. Think about it. If we truely believed that there is NOTHING we can do to be loved more than we already are...and no person, job, or status will ever satisfy as much as God, how much better off would we be.
Let me know your thoughts.
I have to clean the kitchen.
Let me know your thoughts.
I have to clean the kitchen.
At 6:16 p.m., dearbethany said…
my first blog love it, but mostly hate it!
At 6:57 p.m., Annie said…
yayyyyy bethany!! blog spam. i am not alone!
ps: i liked your post, i relate to it as well... some people are more prophetic in conversations than others, and you are one of them!! yayyyyyy.
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