feelings on a sleeve

because i love, i hurt. because i feel, i write.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

wisdom in abundance

Wow, that last entry must seem like I was having some sort of pathetic pity party. Don't worry friends, as insecure as I am...I am very secure? Oh, right. I find my acceptance in the creator of the universe...but the words of encouragement are loved even so.

Blossom is begging for food. And my mother is watching a movie called 'the pavilion of women'...it could be a little unacceptable, we are just not sure. It is of oriental decent.

I just got home from work. Spencer (my car) died cuz I left the lights on. Why did I leave them on, well...because it seemed like a bright idea at the time. I had to deliver some subs to the mental health centre down the street. It was sooooo cool. I had to go past the HUGE jail, and too the...other building. Yeah, I was not allowed to give them any plastic untensils or anything...and there were bars everywhere. But there was no alocohol:(

I had the most eventful day the day before the last day. Here were the events:

music Store
russian book store
evangelical temple of sorts
mini golf in the dark
best friends house
dog walking
movie watching
sleep for three hours

Yeah, it was a hoot of hoots. The man they call Dan was there for some, others for the rest. There was laughter and tears...but no tears.

The movie my mother is watching sounds hillarious in a completely UN entertaining way. As if that makes sense.

Who says AS IF anymore...that is SOOOOOO last year.

Well, enough about me...how are you?

Silent today, aren't we.

Right, here is another thought provoking question:

If Jimmy has three cookies, and Sandy skins her knee...who gets the free trip to the zoo?

Many talks later friends, aloha!


  • At 2:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there! It's Sarah again. Felt like telling you I laugh SO hard when I read your blog. That stuff about islands talking was great...I mean great!

    2nd thought:The last post didn't seem like you were having a pity party, but that you were just being REAL! You're smrt! You're wise like an owl. =)

    3rd thought:(sorry...almost done)Sandy should take the freakin' cookies from Jimmy cause he prolly pushed her in the first place and doesn't deserve them. Then she should book it to the zoo.

    peace out.

  • At 2:44 p.m., Blogger beth said…

    Hard choice. I don't want to be sexist or anything, but I think that Sandy goes to the zoo. Sorry Jimmy...cookies are way better than seeing animals poop...and do other things. Spencer died? Oh, you must resurrect him and take good care of him. He provides music, thumping bass, and transportation for us all. A new air freshener would be a nice "I'm sorry" gift.

    p.s. you haven't written in a while. ahem.


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